VEGANUARY - MEET THE MAKER: Keren from Sorcha Scotland ltd.

What’s the name of your business? Sorcha Scotland

Is running your business your full time job?: Yes

How long have you been running your business? 3 years

What inspired you to start doing what you do?:  When my Bar & Restaurant business closed in lockdown I started baking for local rural village shop and our island community. Then it just grew arms and legs!

What is your signature bake / cake / chocolate creation? : Our cinnamon buns & doughnuts.

Are your bakes/cakes/chocs available online with UK delivery?: No

Would you say most of your customers are vegan?: No.

What's your favourite Saturday night dinner or take away? : Indian

Dream holiday destination? : New Zealand

Favourite season?: Autumn

Find us on Instagram @sorchabakery